As Boaler and Humphreys (2005) describe, an important direction of teacher research involves understanding teachers' decision making in the moment of teaching. They write:
Each [pedagogical] move is important and demonstrates the
complexity of teachers' work. Such moves also demonstrate the
level, or "grain size," at which teaching decisions are made.
Teachers are often offered advice that is at a much bigger grain
size, such as whether to use group work to have discussions or
lecture. We see [...] that teachers need to make decisions that are
at a smaller grain size, such as when and how to curtail a
discussion, which examples of representation to use, or which
students to call upon. The field of educational research has not
developed extensive knowledge of the detailed pedagogical practices
that are helpful for teachers to learn, yet the difference between
effective and ineffective teaching probably rests in the details of
moment-to-moment decision making. (p. 53)